Amie Arizmendi
Amie Arizmendi is a small town girl who served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years where she served most as a leader. While in the U.S. Navy, Amie worked extensively as a Suicide Prevention Specialist and Sexual Assault Advocate. Working with diverse populations, Amie learned how to appreciate the tiny nuances contained within cultures. Amie obtained her Master’s level education and worked as a mental health therapist. After much consideration and further specialized training, Amie became a Life Coach offering transformative healing and optimal support to her clients.
Amie used to be a different version of who she is today, like many of us. For most of her life, she felt unseen and unheard; lost and not knowing how to find her way seemed to inundate her reality.No matter what she tried, she seemed to end up back in a similar space that held her captive to who she had hoped to become. Amie was on a hamster wheel that was going nowhere. She spent years working on herself, incorporating various forms of healing, including therapy and self-help books. Unlearning old behaviors and patterns, expanding her mind, and learning new ways of living were something Amie invested her time and money in.
Now, as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist -Associate, certifications in Coaching & Hypnotherapy, Quantum Timeline Technique, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Master Coach coupled with her own life experiences to include her own personal breakthroughs, ABR Coaching, Consulting & Training was born and seeks to serve others in their personal/professional breakthroughs. ABR Coaching, Consulting, & Training seeks to find solutions by identifying key problem areas. ABR Coaching, Consulting & Training strives for authenticity, transparency, and courage.
Today, ABR Coaching, Consulting, & Training helps adults unlock the power of their minds, creating a space where newfound personal freedoms are realized, enabling them to pursue their dreams more effectively. By using the specific tools available as a therapist and coach, ABR Coaching, Consulting, & Training serves others to release the limits to become their best selves!